It has been reported that WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will allow users to use an in-app dialer to make voice calls. Users participating in the Google Play beta program have not yet been granted access to this new feature, which is still under development. Although the dialer’s precise features are still unknown, it is believed that users will be able to call numbers that are not in their contacts.
WABetaInfo found the new dialer functionality on the Android version beta of WhatsApp. The tracker suggests that the functionality may be added in one of the next releases, even if beta testers are not yet able to use it. If this feature is put into execution, WhatsApp might become more than simply a messaging app-it might even enable calls to numbers that aren’t saved in the user’s contact list.
The feature has not yet been enabled in the most recent beta version, but a screenshot shows a standard dialer layout with a green call button and regularly placed numbers and letters.
The dialler had been included; however, its exact use is unknown at this time. However, it is believed to be to facilitate users’ ability to call numbers they can recall without having to search or browse their contact list.
Enabling users to make calls without requiring them to add the contact on their phone is another possible usage for this feature. A function that allowed users to talk with one other without saving their contact information was introduced by WhatsApp last year. With regard to scenarios where users must make brief phone calls-like scheduling meetings, verifying delivery schedules, or making appointments-the new in-app dialer may be an expansion of that concept.
The user experience on WhatsApp may be simplified by this new function, which could remove the requirement to save contacts for one-time calls.
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