On Friday, March 22, the Samsung Galaxy Book 4 officially debuted in India. It now stands in the lineup alongside the February-released Galaxy Book 4 Pro, 360, and 360 Pro. This new laptop does not include an Intel Core Ultra processor like its predecessors did. On the other hand, it has a number of AI-powered tools that improve positions like video editing and photo remastering.
Different CPU and RAM variants as well as two color options are available for the Galaxy Book 4 across the nation.
Prices of the Samsung Galaxy Book 4:
The Samsung India website features the Samsung Galaxy Book 4, with prices starting at Rs 70,990 for an Intel Core i5 processor and 8GB of RAM. Furthermore, the variant with the same processor and 16GB of RAM costs Rs 75,990. The Intel Core i7 variant of the Galaxy Book 4, which costs Rs 85,990, is the only one with 16GB of RAM. For every storage and CPU type, there are two color options: grey and silver. The Samsung India website, a number of offline outlets, and well-known internet merchants are the places where you may buy them.
Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Features and Specifications:
A 15.6-inch full-HD (1,920 x 1,080 pixels) LED anti-glare display is featured on the Galaxy Book 4. Together with up to 16GB of LPDDR4x RAM and 512GB of flexible NVMe SSD storage, it comes equipped with an Intel Core i7 processor 150U. In addition, Windows 11 Home is already pre-installed. An AI-powered Photo Remaster function on the laptop allows users to recover redundant or low-quality photos. It also provides the ability to edit parts in photographs, such removing undesired shadows and lighting. Moreover, the gadget has an integrated Galaxy Video Editor.
The 54Wh battery that powers the Galaxy Book 4 can be charged to 45W using the USB Type-C connector. It provides Bluetooth 5.2 and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity. It has a fingerprint reader for security. It also has an audio jack, an RJ45 (LAN) slot, a microSD card reader, two USB Type-C ports, two USB 3.2 ports, and one HDMI port.
Offers for the Samsung Galaxy Book 4:
According to Samsung, owners of the Galaxy Book 4 could be eligible for up to Rs 4,000 in upgrade bonuses or bank cashback offers totaling Rs 5,000. In addition, students are eligible for an additional 10% off, just like Apple does. Additionally, buyers can choose an EMI plan that is at no cost for a maximum of 24 months.
Users can connect their Galaxy smartphones to the Samsung Galaxy Book 4 in order to improve the quality of the webcam. Rather of using the integrated 720p camera, this function makes use of the camera sensor from a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. This feature was first introduced by the corporation in January of this year.
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