The film Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, is doing well at the box office and getting excellent reviews from reviewers. Sanjeeda Sheikh, who plays Saanchi Gill in it as well, has already won over the actor from War’s fans. In answer to one of the social media users on X, he referred to her as a “brilliant actor”. “I absolutely agree with you Sandeep,” Hrithik added, praising Sanjeeda. The actor @iamsanjeeda is amazing! She made it very easy for me to feel the scene.”
He made the statement in response to a previous post made by a fan who wrote, “Dear @iamsanjeeda. This is a tweet to express my gratitude to you. You had a beautiful appearance in the film #Fighter.One of the most touching scenes in the film is your emotional conversation with @iHrithik. It was executed so well. #FighterMovie #FighterBlockbuster”
“Thank you for getting out the best from me,” Sheikh said on her post after the famous actor showed her immense appreciation. Actor @iHrithik is the most giving and honest.”
“Fighter,” which is helmed by Siddharth Anand, features Akshay Oberoi, Karan Singh Grover, and Anil Kapoor.
In the movie, Anil plays Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, or Rocky, and Hrithik plays Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, aka Patty. Deepika plays Squadron Leader Minal Rathore, aka Minni.
It’s the first time Hrithik and Deepika have ever worked together on screen. Siddharth previously stated the following regarding the movie: “Mamta (Siddharth’s wife) and I founded our film company MARFLIX with #FIGHTER.” A complex picture with a lot of ambition. For us, it’s more than just a movie. And we’ve given this one all. The year 2024 begins with the same uncomfortable, anxious sense. I hope you all treat Fighter with the same kindness that you did for Pathan. Greetings for the new year, everyone! See you in the cinemas!”
Earlier this week, the movie became the 100 crore club member.
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