
Google Meet app for Android is getting new “safety feature” when walking

In the most recent APK teardown, As per report, an curious new feature coming to the Google Meets application for…

The future Pixel Tablet is far more interesting as smart home hub

Tomorrow is the first day of Google I/O 2023, and there will be a lot of announcements, including new software…

Top 5 ChatGPT Applications for Android

The world has been rocked by ChatGPT. GPT-4, the most recent version of ChatGPT, was released in March 2023 and…

Passkey logins for Android are now available through PayPal in the US

As long as Android users in the United States access the website using the Chrome browser, PayPal is extending access…

All Google One subscribers will soon have access to the VPN service.

Google One's security features are getting better. To begin, Google is providing all subscribers with free access to its virtual…

Later this year, Android will formally receive simpler eSIM transfers

High-end smartphones are using eSIM technology a lot, but the modern SIM standard makes it hard to easily transfer your…

The upcoming “app cloning” feature for Android will make managing multiple accounts simple

Even though Google is attempting to conceal the intriguing consumer-facing features from this early release (either because they are incomplete…

Qualcomm releases Snapdragon Satellite for Android, and it’s not just for emergencies

In the fall of last year, models of the iPhone 14 were the first to include emergency satellite connectivity. Android…

Podcasts are now officially available on Twitter

Twitter is officially entering the podcast industry. Today, the social network made the announcement that it will include podcasts into…

By the end of 2023, Amazon Drive will be retired

Amazon Drive is closing down, which is bad news for the (likely small) number of users who have relied on…



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