Slovenia National Day: Google doodle celebrates Slovenia Statehood Day

Slovenia’s 1991 declaration of independence from Yugoslavia is honoured in today’s Google Doodle in honour of Slovenia National Day, also known as Statehood Day. In celebration, the Republic of Slovenia flag, similar to the one in today’s Doodle, flew aloft in the Republic Square.

On June 26, Ljubljana, the nation’s capital, issued the formal declaration of independence. The Slovene pride in their nation is represented by the name Ljubljana, which translates to “the loved one.”

A salute from a firing cannon begins the day’s ceremonies. Locals congregate in the fortress for performances, dances, and other cultural events. Folk music makes Slovenians in their traditional clothing skip and twirl beside one another. Slovenia’s National Day is also the ideal time to indulge on gourmet cheeses, meats, or virgin olive oil from the Mediterranean.

To everyone who celebrates Statehood Day, or Dan dravnosti, happy holidays!

Categories: Lifestyle
Priyanka Patil:


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