Google doodle celebrates Sweden’s National Day

Today’s Doodle, created by guest artist Johan Gaussens from Stockholm, honours Sweden’s National Day, or Sveriges Nationaldag in Swedish. Sweden’s rich cultural and natural legacy is represented by Allemansrätten, a national policy that grants the people the right to travel through nature.

Sweden is blessed with stunning natural beauty, and Allemansrätten allows Swedes to travel practically everywhere in the country, whether driving, camping, skiing, or gathering berries. The Archipelago of Stockholm is ideal for a summer boat cruise, while the High Coast, or Höga Kusten in Swedish, is a popular hiking destination.

Some people may choose to celebrate Sweden’s National Day by strolling through the scenic grandeur of the Swedish countryside, as portrayed in today’s artwork. Other festivities include performances by marching bands and local folk bands, as well as the waving of the Swedish flag in blue and yellow. The yearly event at Stockholm’s Skansen open-air museum, where the Swedish royal family generally gathers to honour the day, is also a huge famous celebration.

Sweden, have a Happy National Day!

Categories: Lifestyle
Priyanka Patil:


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