Google celebrates its 23rd birthday with animated doodle

It’s said that a single possibility encounter can shift the course of your life. For Google’s situation, a possibility experience between two computer scientists shifted the direction of the Internet and the lives of millions.

In 1997, Sergey Brin, an graduate student at Stanford University, incidentally turned out to be alloted to show Larry Page, who was thinking about Stanford for graduate school at that point, around grounds.

Relatively soon, the two Google co-founders were building a search engine together in their dorm rooms and developing their first prototype. In 1998, Google Inc. was officially born.

Consistently, there are billions of searches on Google in excess of 150 languages all throughout the planet, and keeping in mind that much has transformed from the beginning of Google, from its first server housed in a cabinet worked out of toy blocks to its servers currently being housed in excess of 20 data centers worldwide, its main goal of making the world’s information available to everybody stays as before.

Happy 23rd Birthday, Google!

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Priyanka Patil:


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