
The upcoming “app cloning” feature for Android will make managing multiple accounts simple

Even though Google is attempting to conceal the intriguing consumer-facing features from this early release (either because they are incomplete…

Microsoft releases updated ChatGPT AI-powered versions of its Bing and Edge browsers

A new version of Microsoft's search engine Bing has been announced, and it is powered by an improved version of…

Google releases Bard A.I as response to ChatGPT

Bard, an artificial intelligence chatbot technology that Google will begin deploying in the coming weeks, was announced on Monday. CNBC's…

ChatGPT changes everything. But it has limitations

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm ever since it was released at the end of November. The chatbot's advanced…

Apple is developing tools to help customers in creating applications for an upcoming headset

The Information reported on Friday, citing four individuals who worked on the headset, that Apple Inc. (AAPL.O) is developing software…

OnePlus reveals its first tablet before its official debut next month

The OnePlus tablet is coming soon. A brand-new official image of the upcoming OnePlus Pad has surfaced, featuring an unconventional…

Apple launches iOS 16.3 with support for physical security keys

With the 16.3 software update that was released today, Apple improved iOS's security. iOS users can now use physical security…

Amazon Air officially debuts in four important Indian cities

Amazon's Amazon Air, a full-time air cargo service, was officially launched on Monday in India as the retail giant seeks…

Portrait videos on the Galaxy S23 Ultra will be greatly better

Even though the Galaxy S23 series will be released a week from now, we know very little about it. Since…

Instagram adds “quiet mode” for times when users want to focus

The new "quiet mode" feature that Instagram unveiled on Thursday aims to assist users in focusing and establish boundaries with…



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