Malayalam superstar Mohanlal, currently immersed in his directorial debut Barroz, has reportedly been admitted to a hospital. According to ANI, a statement from the hospital indicates that the actor is suspected of suffering from a “viral respiratory infection.” The 64-year-old has been experiencing “high-grade fever, breathing difficulties, and generalized myalgia (muscle pain).”
The statement from Amrita Hospital detailed, “This is to certify that I have examined Mr. Mohanlal, 64-year-old male, MRD No 1198168. He presents with complaints of high-grade fever, breathing difficulties, and generalized myalgia. He is suspected to have a viral respiratory infection. They recommended that he take his medication, stay out of crowds for five days, and relax.”
In terms of his upcoming projects, Mohanlal’s highly anticipated directorial debut, Barroz, is slated for release on October 3, 2024. The 3D fantasy drama, which had been announced in 2019, has faced multiple delays, with an earlier release date set for March 28. Mohanlal, who also plays the main role in the film, recently confirmed the new release date via a tweet, saying, “Barroz is coming to reveal his secrets on 3rd October 2024. Plan ahead for a fantastical journey on your calendars.”
The Malayalam-language film began production in 2021 and is based on Jijo Punnoose’s novel Barroz: Guardian of D’Gama’s Treasure. The project is being produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the Aashirvad Cinemas banner, with Santosh Sivan handling the cinematography. The musical score is a collaboration between Lydian Nadhaswaran and Mark Kilian.
In addition to his work in cinema, Mohanlal, who holds the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Territorial Army, recently made headlines for his philanthropic efforts. Earlier this month, he visited Wayanad, dressed in his Army uniform, where he pledged ₹3 crore for the rehabilitation of the region, which has been severely affected by recent disasters. In a heartfelt message shared on social media, Mohanlal wrote, “The devastation in Wayanad is a deep wound that will take time to heal. Every home lost and life disrupted is a personal tragedy,” accompanying the post with a series of images from the affected area.
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