Press Release

Le Bond Finance, How Real Asset and GameFi Empower NFT Ecosystem?

Intro:Le Bond Finance is to become a global real estate blockchain trading platform empowered by NFT. The in-depth goal is to introduce physical assets into the decentralized finance (DeFi) system, that is, to transform them into on-chain assets. Users can enjoy a convenient global asset circulation (purchase and trading) and a series of financial derivative services such as on-chain crypto lending by pledging physical assets (construction of digital credit system).

On 9th, December, 2020, Kenny Chai, the founder of Le Bond Finance is invited to VirgoX Telegram official community for an AMA. Here is the entire interview.

Host:Hi Kenny Nice to meet you! Lets get started! Thank you for joining us here at VirgoX AMA today. We have invited the Co-Founder of Le Bond Finance – Kenny and VirgoX CEO Adam to join us today. Welcome Kenny and Adam! Le Bond is a new NFT project that gonna do pre-sale on VirgoX. Today we are glad to bring both VirgoX Founder and Le Bond Finance Founder to an AMA.

Kenny: A slight introduction of myself, I’m Kenny from Singapore. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I had travel china, Malaysia, Hongkong and Macau dealing with IT and property business. I believe in putting ideas into reality. The keywords to my current career is action and innovation. Currently we are the first property developer to re-innovate commercial building into high end cutting edge smart building. We are using clean energy technology and had been acknowledge by Singapore government in our designs. We also launch a fin-tech platform that help smart building with human resource management with payment feature add-in. Using this as a base, bond token is launch to aid this technology. I am proud to introduce Lebond Finance to everyone.

Adam:Hey everyone, thank you for joining us a new series of AMA with Le Bond Finance fonder Kenny. For today’s session, you will be able to see a very interesting combination of NFT token supported by real life property.  Kenny has tremendous experience in the real estate market and has a solid understanding of financial markets . It is excited for us to host Kenny here for today’s AMA. Please also pay attention to our Le Bond token Pre-sale starting in less than 24 hours. The Presale is the first of its kind for Le Bond Project. It will also be listed with us first in the middle of December.

Please notice that for this project Kenny’s team does put up minimum guaranteed price at 0.03 usdt per token to show the confidence within the project as well. Please ask any questions to Kenny to ensure you have a good understanding of the project and contribute to the ecosystem!

Kenny C: Yes definitely! We are actually the first Singapore property developer to re-innovate commercial building into high end cutting edge smart building. Currently we focus on clean energy technology and had been acknowledge by Singapore government.

Using our property business as a base, we launched a fin tech plate form (Lebond Finance) that help smart building manage human resource and payment (both building fees and vendors goods)

Using this as a base, we launched BOND token to aid our technology for rapid expansion. And yap that’s it for a short intro.

Host:The second question here will be more on the project, Why Lebond Finance select Real Estate to be its target?

Kenny C: Sure! Actually, that’s greatly due to our line of work and experience, allow me to explain:

We had been working on property and international IT business for more than 10 years. We had substantial number of contacts in Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hongkong and Macau. Turning concept into business is what we do. As Akira Mori said: “in my experience, in the real estate business pass success stories are generally not applicable to new situations. We must continually reinvent ourselves, responding to changing times with innovative new business modes”. That’s why we combine blockchain and real estate business together.

And also Real estate in Singapore had been on a healthy track. CBRE data shows that in 2019, capital flight from mainland China and Hongkong led to surge in cross border capital transaction in Singapore, during transaction volume to 4.9Billion USD in 2nd half of the year. Up from 73%. Comparing rental ratio, Singapore Tokyo, Hongkong and Beijing are still the most expensive cities in Asia region. Singapore rose the most (6.9%) vs Tokyo (3.7%) and Beijing (stagnant)

We believe that I order to make one thing work, first you had to have strength and resources in the region, combining with the correct resources and direction. That’s how Lebond finance is bond.

Host: The data is impressive! and also, I agree. In order to make one thing work, you had to have strength and resource in the region! So let’s come with our Fourth question, we all know that a lot of NFT products rising in the market right now. What’s the difference that make Lebond Finance Stand Out?

Kenny C: NFT is now regarded as a digitalized ownership of an art but it has no impact beyond that while the most prominent and real problem we solved is to “Give NFT Utility”. We want to create something addressing users’ need while bring the obscure blockchain to simple but useful and fun apps, only a few clicks away.

Le Bond Finance is designed to provide liquidity for the property market. Aiming to be the first NFT platform to serve the real estate market, we use decentralized financial model (DeFi) to tokenize property projects.

As for the advantages over other NFT projects, we would take it into two parts:

1. Tangible backed asset is the key advantage. In the current NFT market, most of the project only had projected value base on their “limited quantity” which doesn’t provide any real collective purpose.

Le Bond Finance used Singapore financial tower with valuation of 50 million USD as baseline to issue Le Bond NFT, Lux Card. Lux card can enjoy both on chain growth as well as CBD asset class dividend payout.

2. Innovation is the key to success. We combine our Bond Token with NFT Lux card, their interchange relationship will boost each other value, increasing each other demand and limit supply cap.

While we enabled Mining, Auction and Trading for an NFT, so its utility goes beyond just ownership.

Our whole team believes in “Blockchain for Good” and has a track record of delivering applications that gains mass adoption.

Host: Sounds good! I believe we can see that Lebond Finance is prepared to be one of the best project!

We know that Lebond Finance is coming to VirgoX around mid-December, What’s the future listing plan and road map for LeBond Finance?

Kenny C:For the roadmap, we’d love to focus on our tokenomics perfection and promotion first. That’s part of the key how this GameFi can finally work.  

Basically, People can get involved with 2 parts.

1. Stake to Play (S2P)

user simply stake BOND into BOND POOL to get 2 types of rewards.

A. BOND token, 50% of the total supply will be used for this reward. Daily max staking reward is fixed at 150,000 BOND

B. Lux Card (NFT), Daily generating 15 NFT cards to reward staking user, regardless of stake amount

– 2. NFT Mining

Lux Card (NFT) is the proof of eligibility for CBD asset dividend payout. User can buy, sell or trade it (on our own marketplace). For users that own it shall be able to receive up to 20% of Le Bond Tower dividend payout. Lux Card series will add in branded merchant name as indicators, they will be differentiate into Common, Rare, Epic types of card. The different of each card only affects NFT mining rate, payout of Le Bond Tower dividend however will be same rate through regardless the types of card. 

Common: 1

Rare: 1.2

Epic: 2

Bond NFT Mining (NM) is designed reward user for long-term holding. Total quantity of 5%, 15,000 BOND daily will be reward to holders.

– 3. Lux Card Booster

User that holds “B”, “O”, “N”, “D” combination can activate the booster effect. The S2P mining rewards will double in 24 hours (max cap at daily total cap 15%) 

After acceleration, the used Lux Card will be destroyed. Other rules of Lux Booster will be release at later stage.

As for the exchanges, we would be really grateful for the support of Virgox and Virgox will be the first batch of your listing exchanges, the others will be announced later. All I can say is that we are pushing it forward right now. And you guys can definitely see a good result from it!

Host: Wow that’s something really interesting! Looking forward to see all of that! So that’s the end of our first part! The second part is questions we collected from twitter.

First question from Twitter user Lopyou @Lopyou54804819

what makes #Lebond_Finance more unique and superior that no other project has?

Kenny C : As I mentioned before, Le Bond Finance is the first NFT project backed by real asset and also a project with GameFi. Those two designs make Le Bond Finance a gene in NFT sphere. 

Besides, Le Bond Finance had partner up with Singapore property development firm, Blue Sun Holdings in using Le Bond Tower (10 story CBD building, Singapore first clean energy and IOT base high tech management system, located at MacPherson Road and Upper Paya Lebar Road) to tokenize using NFT design. More of our partners at the following: Envision digital, SENE, ST Engineering, Porsche, Pomeroy Studio, Pinata, Openlaw,etc.

As you can see, we are a really solid team here to make it work. Hopefully that answer your question @sss00002018

Host: Wow we can see a lot of huge name here! Partners are always important! Definitely, solid partners will help a project to stand out! So next question from Liliana@zeart0102

What are your plans to place for global adoption and expansion? Is lebond finance focusing only on the market or focusing on developing the concept of the project?

Kenny C: This is a very interesting question !The key is focus in these 3 aspects: Government, community and business model

Government is the biggest support in both publicity and local connection in Singapore. They also gave a lot of advice to speed up our development process

Community (both local and global partners) are our next key aspect. We actually LISTEN to what the market wants. 

Business model is the key to glue everything together. As Steve job said, it’s all about connecting the dots together.

Le Bond Finance definitely aims for international market! For us, marketing and developing are both important. Get real asset into Le Bond ecosystem and NFT + GameFi just for version one. 

For our ultimate goals, we’d love to solve the following problems:

(1) Real estate investment becomes small and transparent. The transaction amount of traditional real estate is relatively large. Le Bond Finance will fragment the real estate usufruct, and each person will hold the on-chain credential (NFT), which will significantly reduce the investment threshold for investors. 

(2) Globalization of real estate transactions. Users do not need to be responsible for property purchase qualifications, taxation, laws, and other miscellaneous businesses, but the platform is responsible for the audit. Users can experience global real estate transactions, where users’ dividends will be supervised by lawyers and automatically executed through OpenLaw. After the project is listed, the liquidity of the products will improve greatly. 

(3) Real estate information becomes transparent. All transactions are recorded in detail on the blockchain. So, the entire transaction is made clear through authorized and accessible distributed ledgers. Global users will find it convenient to store the project operating details through Pinata permanently. 

  • Real estate composite assets & on-chain lending. In addition to the transaction, Le Bond Finance will launch the entity asset lending program, where mortgaging the real estate can lend a certain amount of cryptocurrency. The physical assets can genuinely realize the on-chain finance and the on-chain/off-chain interactive loop. (5) Not only real estate but real assets worldwide. After removing the intermediary agent or complicated procedures, many real assets, such as the film and television copyrights, music copyrights, etc., can be directly brought into the DeFi scenarios through Le Bond Finance to complete the handover between fundraisers and the investors.

Host:That’s amazing! Next Question! From VIOLET @iamzeasli

Most investors are only interested in the immediate benefits rather than the real long-term value of the project. How can you convince investors to invest in your platform over the long term?

Kenny C: Ok well, we must let investors see what we can offer in the long term! Personally, I believe investors are willing to look for long term investment. I mean it’s really tiring to keep hopping from one basket to another, constantly right?

We use our concrete plans backed with solid asset and combine with technology to make it even juicier.

User experience is very important, when our gamefi platform is out, give it a try! It will definitely bring huge value to players, converting them into our loyal fanbase

Host:For sure. User experience is always important!

Fourth question for second part DEVARA @R7Clover

What are the future plans for Lebond Finance Project? Do you have any exciting things down the pipeline that you can share?

I believe Kenny already answer some of that in the first part

@kennycbk do you have anything to add for this question?

Kenny C:Sure, let me add a bit more to this part. 

For the marketing and exchanges, we have several options lined out already which will be announced very soon!

For Le Bond Finance fund-raising, we are open to private-sale right now and anyone love to participate can join VirgoX IEO and also contact us is fine. 

For cooperation, Le Bond Tower is just the first case of Le Bond Finance and we are getting more real assets into our ecosystem. And for Le Bond Tower, we are working with Porsche, there will be certain cooperation lined out!

Host: Wow looking forward to that!

Noyonvai @Noyonvai9

Why Lebond_Finance chosen and interest in VirgoX_exchange?

Kenny C:Virgox is an amazing partner for us! Firstly Virgox is one of the team that understand NFT the most and also have the most passion to explore the new trend in blockchain sphere. 

Most exchanges just don’t get it and just follow the trend. That’s not we see in Virgox. Besides, Virgox has shown the biggest sincerity for helping us with promotion and community building. That’s fantastic partner for us.

Host: Thanks Kenny!

Abigail Boyd
Abigail Boyd

Abigail Boyd is not only housewife but also famous author. At age 12, her mother taught her to read and she immediately started writing stories. After that she starts to write short stories. She writes various kinds of short stories. She got married at the age of 21. Now she is writing news articles related to ongoing things in the world. She is on board with Infuse News as a free lance author.

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