Sennheiser has introduced its latest addition to the HD 600 series in India with the launch of the HD 620S headphones on Monday, August 12. These over-the-ear headphones feature a closed-back design and maintain the classic aesthetic of previous models in the HD 600 lineup, while also incorporating some key enhancements. The headband is reinforced with metal for added durability, and the headphones boast a frequency response range from 6Hz to 30,000Hz, ensuring a broad audio spectrum. With a nominal impedance of 150 Ohms, the HD 620S promises a high-quality audio experience.
The HD 620S is equipped with 42mm dynamic transducers and 38mm diaphragms, which contribute to its superior sound performance. The headphones also feature a 150-ohm aluminum voice coil, designed to elevate the overall listening experience. They offer a sound pressure level of 110dB, making them capable of delivering clear and powerful audio across various genres.
In terms of design, the Sennheiser HD 620S is built with comfort and durability in mind. The earcups are crafted from artificial leather, with internal venting to ensure comfort during extended listening sessions. The headband, reinforced with metal, adds to the headphones’ robust build quality. The headphones come with a 1.8-meter detachable cable, featuring a 3.5mm stereo plug. An adapter for 6.3mm connections is also included, making the HD 620S compatible with a wide range of mobile devices and portable music players. For audiophiles, Sennheiser plans to release an optional 4.4mm cable for hi-fi devices later this summer.
Despite their advanced audio capabilities, the Sennheiser HD 620S does not include some modern features such as active noise cancellation (ANC) and touch controls, which are commonly found in contemporary wireless headphones. The headphones measure 237x191x96mm and weigh 670 grams, making them substantial but still manageable for everyday use.
The Sennheiser HD 620S is now available in India at a special launch price of Rs. 32,990. They can be purchased through Amazon, Flipkart, and the official Sennheiser India website. With their blend of classic design and modern audio performance, these headphones are geared towards users who prioritize sound quality and build over the latest technological extras.
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