WhatsApp has undergone numerous changes since Meta AI was integrated into the popular messaging app. Now, even more transformations might be on the horizon as a new update to Meta AI could introduce a “voice chat” mode. This potential update was highlighted in a report by WABetaInfo.
According to the report, Meta AI on WhatsApp might soon feature a voice chat mode, enabling users to interact with the AI chatbot through voice commands, thereby personalizing their communication experience. The feature was first observed in WhatsApp beta for Android version, available on the Google Play Store, and it could soon be rolled out to the stable version of the app.
This voice chat mode would allow WhatsApp users to engage in real-time conversations with Meta AI by simply speaking to it, rather than typing out their queries or commands. This approach is expected to make interactions with Meta AI faster, more natural, and more efficient, as vocal communication often outpaces text-based communication. Furthermore, Meta AI will reportedly be capable of responding in a user-selected voice, which users can customize according to their preferences.
In addition to the voice chat mode, WhatsApp is reportedly experimenting with a shortcut that would make it easier for users to activate Meta AI’s voice chat. This shortcut would be accessible via a floating action button within the chat list, offering quick and convenient access to the new feature.
Users will also have the ability to manually enable the voice chat mode, allowing the chatbot to listen continuously during their conversations. This mode can be turned off by either leaving the chat or switching back to the traditional chat mode. WhatsApp users will also be able to easily confirm that Meta AI’s voice chat mode is deactivated, as the visual indicator for the feature will disappear from their screen once they exit the chat.
As these updates continue to develop, WhatsApp’s integration with Meta AI seems poised to make interactions even more seamless and intuitive, potentially revolutionizing how users engage with the app.
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